Ok, we all know I am a massive geek right? In fact some of you clients booked us specifically because of it! Well in between running around ensuring your wedding is a perfect day, I have also been running around creating an animation.
The Coins of McGuffin is an animated web series about 2 guys (one voiced by me) who is sent on a quest to retrieve the 25 Coins of McGuffin, 25 coins that were lost to the tribes of Fandoms.
Everything (including the first episode) can be seen here
We are trying to raise funds via Indiegogo so we can make the first season. Any amount is appreciated but if you donate certain amounts as "Perks" you get some really cool stuff. You can donate by going to the website here Coins of McGuffin Indiegogo Page
So please donate and let's make the Coins of McGuffin the best animation ever! :-)