Deciding on Music and DJs for 2015- Komodo Music DJs

CDs stacked up against more CDs

So with the start of the wedding season and the finishing of the first expo for the year, now is a good time to give some help of what they should be doing with their music choices and how to go about selecting a DJ


Decide on a DJ

Sometimes you will meet a DJ and feel that they are best thing for your wedding, other times (most commonly) you are so overwhelmed with choices and you don’t know where to start.The first thing you have to decide on is your budget for a DJ (see the blog "Pricing Perth DJs" for further help)Once you have done that, it is time to do some Googling! Research is the key and it is important to ensure that no matter who you choose, you are comfortable with your selection. A good tip is to narrow down your choice to 3 or 4 and the use a graph to determine where each stand (A template can be found here: "Price Vs Quality"). It may take you an extra 5 minutes but is 5 minutes more work worth ensuring your supplier is worth it?Once you have decided on who you want to go with, now it’s time to have a meeting with them. Some DJs who are sole traders you can have this meeting face to face, other larger companies with more DJs you can usually do this first one over the phone and have a physical face to face with your selected DJ closer to the time.Be sure to ask your questions (see ‘What questions to a DJ”) and once you are happy; just pay your deposit (see “Paying Deposits for your wedding") 

In the months that follow…

You would have been set homework with your music, so don’t wait till the last minute, start it now!A good hint is to have a pad and paper in the car and write down any songs that you like as you hear them. Print off exactly what songs you need to pick (i.e. Bridal Waltz, entrance song, cake cutting, etc) and stick it on the fridge. That way you actively look out for songs to fill in for it.Now picking music is hard, and you and your partner will not always see eye to eye, but just remember that it is better to have too much music than not enough. At the same time, providing you pick your important songs, the DJ can help you with the rest 

3 months to go….

About this time you should be meeting up with your DJ again to go through and finalise most of the important songs. Komodo Music would get you to meet with your official DJ for the first time and it is important you get to know them. If for any reason you are unhappy, let us know why and we can either change them over or fix the problem now. Remember this is your day and any DJ or DJ Company worth their decks will do anything to make sure the music and music man is a perfect fit 

2 weeks before the wedding

Now is your final chance to change any songs, cause after this, it is not fair on the DJ. Most DJs will be doing the playlists the beginning of the week of your wedding, and with DJ Companies you are not the only bride they are dealing with so ensure you:

  1. Are 100% happy with all the important songs you have chosen
  2. You have submitted any music requests (either via email or via an Online Music Library)
  3. You have paid any remaining balance on the account

Even though the DJ will be ready to go, feel free to give them a buzz to put your own mind at ease 

Wedding Day

Remember to have fun!If on the night things need to be changes, ask the DJ and if it is within their power, they will do it. Make requests if you want, ask the DJ to switch things up, whatever will make you dance, the DJ will happily do! If you would like some more information about what Komodo Music can do for your wedding, feel free to CONTACT US 

Engagement Guest vs Wedding Guests- Who To Cut?- Komodo Music DJs

Perth Wedding Open Days and Expos for 2015- Komodo Music DJs