After the Wedding Expos- Now What? Komodo Music DJs, Perth

Bride in dress exhasted on couch with feet upSo you have just been to a wedding expo and you have so much information you don’t know what to do with it…so how do you sort out the good from the crap?


Well this all depends on what stage of the planning you are in but a good starting point would be to do the following steps:


STEP 1: Get a Wedding Folder

Just a normal binder with sleeves you can categorize and put stuff relating to your wedding. This will also help focus you if it is all located in one spot. 

STEP 2: Make a list of what you want!

A blank piece of paper with a clear list of what you need for your wedding (i.e. Music, Car, Cake, Celebrant, etc) will help you organize the info you have into the right category. Once this is done, make a folder for each category and put the info into each one. If things don’t fit on the list (say for example an ice sculpture) put it in a “miscellaneous” folder to look at down the track. 

STEP 3: Priorities your List

Now you have all the items in folders, it’s time to decide what needs your attention the most. This again depends on how far away your wedding is and if it is on a popular date, but a general rule (for about 12 months to the wedding) should be the following:Venue (ASAP)Dress, (12-8 months left)Photographer/Videographer (12-8 months left)Celebrant (8 months left)DJ (No more than 6 months left),Limo (No more than 8 months left)Cake (8-6 months left),Misc (Depending on product) 

STEP 4: Budget

I know it is a horrible word but look into how much you should spend on each category before booking anything. Weddings are expensive but if you have a clear idea who much you are expecting to spend and how much it “Too Much” you may even keep your wallet lean instead of empty. 


I can’t stress this enough. You have all the supplier’s information, you know how much you want to spend, now check they are legit! Google search, go onto bridal forums, ask friends and family. The more research you do the safer you will be in ensure your wedding is not a flop. Remember “Google is your friend” :-) (If you want more info on how to find your DJ, click this blog here

STEP 6: Meet the team

Having a face to face meeting with your supplier is important to ensure you get the right vibe from them. Some suppliers do not require meetings till closer to the time but you should be able to be in contact with them (either via Skype or phone) before making a booking. 

That should give you plenty to work with, go and have fun :-)

 headphones with contact (Photo Courtesy of "")Save

When to meet your DJ- Komodo Music, Perth

Wedding at Sandalford Winnery- Komodo Music DJs, Perth